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Autor/inn/enAase, Karina; Olsen, Odd Einar; Pedersen, Cathrine
TitelLearning Engineers to Reflect: Obstacles and Remedies in an Engineering Community
QuelleIn: International Journal of Learning and Change, 2 (2007) 4, S.343-364 (22 Seiten)Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterForeign Countries; Fuels; Industry; Engineering; Organizational Culture; Knowledge Representation; Communities of Practice; Workplace Learning; Student Attitudes; Attitude Change; Reflection; Case Studies; Access to Information; Barriers; Interpersonal Communication; Organizational Communication; Free Enterprise System; Conflict; Norway
AbstractThe article reports results from a research facilitated learning project carried out in an engineering department in an oil and gas company. The objective of the project was to enhance an awareness of and the ability to use, dialogue and reflection-based learning approaches. The results document that the project-based engineering setting induces structural, organisational, and cultural obstacles to learning. Obstacles may come in the forms of a discipline-based organisation, employee turnover, time pressure, insufficient management involvement, lack of commitment, conflicting reifications, and an overstated belief in codification. Remedies for some of these obstacles have been to create spaces in the engineering setting for multi-disciplinary discussions, for reflection and common understanding of procedures and cases, in facilitated learning sessions and case study sessions. (Contains 1 table.) (As Provided).
AnmerkungenInderscience Publishers. World Trade Centre Building II 29 route de Pre-Bois Case Postale 856 CH-1215, Geneva 15, Switzerland. Fax: +44-1234-240515; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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