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Autor/inStotsky, Sandra
TitelAcademic and Pedagogical Issues in Teaching the Holocaust.
Quelle(1998), (25 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Anti Semitism; Controversial Issues (Course Content); Cultural Awareness; Ethics; Ethnic Groups; Foreign Countries; History Instruction; Jews; Judaism; Language Arts; Moral Issues; Moral Values; Secondary Education; Social Studies; World War II
AbstractThis essay addresses six pedagogical issues that English language arts teachers should consider in preparing to use Holocaust literature to address "intolerance and bigotry" in their teaching. Teachers should ask themselves: (1) Does the literature unit emphasize anti-Semitism as a cause of the Holocaust?; (2) Does the unit provide all relevant historical information?; (3) Does the unit make appropriate historical and structural distinctions, i.e. does it indicate what is unique about the Holocaust?; (4) Does the unit draw on appropriate comparisons to bring about these distinctions?; (5) Does the unit address contemporary anti-Semitism, here and elsewhere, as the first lesson of Holocaust study?; and (6) What other literary works are included to show the Jews as a living cultural group and to help students understand the basis for their identity as a people? The paper advocates an interdisciplinary approach to Holocaust studies with inclusion of appropriate readings from the Hebrew Bible and other appropriate moral education materials. (EH)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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