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Autor/inKitao, Kenji
TitelA Rules Perspective on Differences between Politeness Strategies Used in Requests by Americans and Japanese.
QuelleIn: Doshisha Studies in English, (1989) 47-48, S.235-253 (22 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterComparative Analysis; Cultural Differences; English; Foreign Countries; Interpersonal Communication; Japanese; Language Research; North Americans; Social Behavior; Uncommonly Taught Languages
AbstractAn analysis of differences in politeness between Japanese and English focuses on those that affect the relative imposition involved in a request. Introductory sections draw on previous research and theory, and discuss general linguistic and cultural principles underlying requests, politeness, and politeness strategies. Four rules for times when a speaker does not need to show politeness in requests are outlined, including: (1) the emergency rule; (2) the authority rule; (3) the insulting rule; and (4) the beneficiary rule. Rules for positive and negative politeness, which increase solidarity and increase imposition are explained, including (1) the solidarity rule, (2) the option rule, (3) the indirect rule, (4) the deference rule, and (5) the irony rule. The system of politeness in Japanese is briefly described, and compared and contrasted with English adherence to politeness rules. It is suggested that study of politeness in intercultural interactions analyze only actual, not contrived, interactions, and that analyses not be based on comparisons of the differences in Japanese and American intracultural interactions. (MSE)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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