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Sonst. PersonenMolenaar, Peter C. M. (Hrsg.); Newell, Karl M. (Hrsg.)
InstitutionAmerican Psychological Association; Pennsylvania State University (University Park, Pa.)
TitelIndividual pathways of change.
Statistical models for analyzing learning and development. 1. ed.
QuelleWashington, DC: American Psychological Assoc. (2010), XV, 227 S.Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheDecade of behavior Series
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN1-433-80772-6; 978-1-433-80772-5
SchlagwörterFaktorenanalyse; Multivariate Analyse; Skalierung; Zeitreihenanalyse; Entwicklungsphase; Kognitive Entwicklung; Mutter-Kind-Beziehung; Resilienz; Item-Response-Theory; Testtheorie; Körperliche Entwicklung; Altersstufe; Lernen; Datenanalyse; Analyse; Entwicklung; Konferenzschrift; Modell; Modellierung; Statistische Methode; Informationsverarbeitung; Pennsylvania; USA
AbstractIn this book, new advanced statistical time series analysis techniques are presented and applied to developmental and learning processes. The book consists of four parts. Part I... addresses the modeling of developmental processes in early life, including weight change..., cognitive aging... and mother-child interaction... The chapters in Part II... discuss the analysis of learning processes from various methodological perspectives, including different time scales..., the occurrence of discontinuities..., discrete change..., and educational process analysis. Part III... presents new approaches to modeling, including regime changes..., factor analysis of time series..., and dynamic systems modeling.... The book concludes with Part IV..., an intriguing description of the emerging fundamental paradigm within which this book`s innovative work takes place. (DIPF/Orig.).
Erfasst vonDIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, Frankfurt am Main
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