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Autor/inFeuchte, Friederike
TitelCan we make a difference tomorrow?
A systematic evaluation of a peace education programme implemented with liberian refugees.
QuelleJena: Friedrich-Schiller-Univ. (2010), 225 S.
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Jena, Univ., Diss., 2010.
Dokumenttyponline; Monographie
SchlagwörterEmpirische Forschung; Evaluation; Psychosoziale Situation; Soziales Verhalten; Bildungsprogramm; Frieden; Friedenspädagogik; Friedenspolitik; Sozioökonomische Lage; Nachkriegszeit; Hochschulschrift; Ethnische Gruppe; Flüchtling; Forschungsprojekt; Ghana; Liberia
AbstractVarious interventions are implemented around the world to actually support people to gain knowledge, develop skills and change attitudes and behaviour in a way which makes peaceful interactions more likely to occur. Many different programmes can be classified as "peace education". Most of these efforts are not based on theoretical research, but have been developed or adapted by practitioners. Do the implementations actually realize a programme's objectives? Are the objectives of a programme actually achieved? These important questions are rarely investigated systematically even for programmes that are widely used in various contexts. In this vein, [the] ... present research project aims to examine implementation and effectiveness of a specific peace education programme in a refugee camp housing Liberians in Ghana. Instead of testing hypotheses of a theory in a laboratory, this evaluation tests implementations of a programme in a real-life context. Such a programme evaluation can be understood as "the use of social research methods to systematically investigate the effectiveness of social intervention programmes in ways that are adapted to their political and organisational environments and are designed to inform social action to improve social conditions". (DIPF/Orig.).
Erfasst vonDIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, Frankfurt am Main
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