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Autor/inKasper, Heinz Peter
TitelZur Verrechtlichung in der Weiterbildung.
Untersuchungen über historische und aktuelle Problemlagen der Kodifizierung.
Quelle(2006), ca. 2,9 MB
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Duisburg, Essen, Univ., Diss., 2006.
Dokumenttyponline; Monographie
SchlagwörterInstitutionalisierung; Verantwortung; Öffentlichkeit; Dissertation; Weiterbildung; Lebenslanges Lernen; Regulation
AbstractLifelong Learning as a strategy for individuals to ensure employability and to strengthen their knowledge and skills raises questions regarding the state of the system of adult education and the government´s responsibility as necessary conditions for a broad participation. The German discussion has frequently shown demands for a constitutional and codified integration of adult education into the general public educational system. Under the perspective of the increasing importance of Lifelong Learning the history of adult education especially has shown that a non-functional educational infrastructure results from low public responsiveness and a lack in legal regulations. Rather than promoting equal opportunities for every citizen the system of adult education in Germany leads to more inequality, Lifelong Learning as a concept detached from public strategies increases social selections instead of compensating them. Consequently, the author analyses public options and public duties referring to a law that rules an incomplete market. The results of the analysis confirm that even if there is no constitutionally guaranteed civil right for a public support of adult education public policy should take care for this section of our educational system and should integrate adult education as a fundamental right shown by a specific legislation. (Abstract übernommen).
Erfasst vonDeutsche Nationalbibliothek, Frankfurt am Main
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